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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Kenapa Bersusah Payah Memahat Syaitan???

Syaitan itu ade...tp kenape perlu di pahat lg???? 
Erm.....pls scroll down..

I've no comment bout this. 
Just FYI, Do you realize???
that's something happen in real life beyond our control.
Terapkan ilmu agama di dada dan ingtla pencipta kita...

Mentos + Coca Cola = BOLEH MELETOP!!!

A handful of MENTOS in a 2 litter bottle produce an eruption

A mentos eruption also known as a Mentos & Diet Coke is a reaction between Mentos candy and cola. The experimental involves dropping several Mentos candies (usually 5-8) into a bottle of diet cola, resulting and eruption occurring because of rapidly expanding carbon dioxide bubbles on the surface of the Mentos.

The geyser produced can be several yards high. While there are various theories being debated as to the exact scientific explanation of the phenomenon, many scientists claim that it is a physical reaction and not a chemical one.
Water molecules strongly attract each other, linking together to form a tight connection around each bubble of carbon dioxide gas in the soda. To for a new bubble, water molecules must push away from one another. It takes extra energy to break this surface tension. So in other words, water resists the expansion of bubbles in the soda. The MINT-Flavored Mentos have tiny air holes that compress the carbon dioxide from the diet coke, causing an eruption to occur.

A little boy died in Brazil after eating MENTOS and drinking Coca-Cola / PEPSI together. One year before the same accident happened with another boy in Brazil . Please check the experiment that has been done by mixing Coca-Cola (or Coca-Cola Light) with MENTOS .

So be careful with your self eating 
MENTOS (POLO's) and drinking COCA-COLA or PEPSI together.



Saturday, February 26, 2011


That's all women wants

bride shoes to be..

For sure all ladies like to have their own shoes design for their collections. It same goes to me..because as at my recently post had mention that in womens brain have a shoes slot.
So no wonder la klu suke shopping kasut k :)

Wear when hang out with Frens

For wedding ceremony

Here is my FAV flat shoes for shopping

Rase nak pengsan bile tgk kasut flat shoes, mmg sgt2 suke wat collection flat shoes. Nak KASUT BARU..:D 
Macam-macam shoes design yg ade sekarang ni...kalau nk beli mesti rambang mate tambah2 saye mmg cerewet bab pilih kasut... 
Kasut2 ni bukan je pakai tuk mase tertentu tp boleh juga di pakai mase g keje mengikut kesesuaian pakaian kite..so xmembazir pn kn kalau ade banyak.

FYI saye g keje xleh pakai kasut mcm uols..kasut yg allowed tuk d pakai adalah spt d bwah...huhu

Ha ni la kasutnyer....aduhai...tapi xdela smpi sebesar ni tp still besar gak..beratnyer minta ampun dong..terhuyug-hayang badan pakai kasut ni... 
Makin lame boleh kurus..

Just a Visual View

Can you imagine this in your creative mind?

A-B-C Guide to Learn Hokkien


**More Comfortable to get a dreaming**

** Oh, Plis dont kill me for your nice shot**

**I can help u but plis hurry**

**No..No..No..I dont like u n neverrrrr..**

**Why,WHy,Why Me?? **

**Am I Encem enuf, Pls say YES..euw **

**Don't fart me,mum**

**There's no SOFA in our house :( **

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