Credit To: Mr Google
I'm for sure there is most people out there likes to play SPOT THE DEREFERENCE! games ni... Currently, I'm so addicted with this games b'coz there is one contest ----> "Here is our opportunity to Win Big" at Reader's Digest. Actlly klu xde contest ni pun, mmg suke je play with this games...Credit To: Mr Google
Manela tau kot2 ade rezki...:) Sape yang berminat boleh la mencube...
Not Just a Contest..Reader's Digest ni magazines yg paling baik tuk dapatkan banyak info..
Selain tu, blh la get improve grammar saye yg teruk ni..
Why Reader's Digest??? What is the Benefits?
- As a compact magazines to get a variety of articles
- It's got funny little quotes and stories.
- Sourcing with helpful ideas.
- Resources about health and finances.
- It's sort of geared towards the geriatric set and patients in medical waiting rooms.
- Many good true story life that can give you great guidance in your life.
- Personal growth.
Once u'll try it, you'll go back again and again...
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