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Monday, August 27, 2012

I was speechless when it came without words

I shouldnt have done that
I should have pretended not to know
Like I didnt see it
Like I couldnt see it
I shouldnt have looked at you in the first place
I should have run away
I should have pretended I wasn't listening
Like I couldn't see it
Like I couldnt't hear it
I shouldn't have heard your love in the first place

Without words
You made me know what love is
Without wods
You gave me your Love
made me fill myself with your every breath
then you ran away
Without words
Love leaves me
Without wods
Love abondons me
Wondering what to say next
My Lips was suprised
because it came without words
Why does it hurt so much?
Why does it hurt continuously?
except for the fact that I can't see you anymore
and that you're not here anymore

It'll be just the same like before
Without words
tears starts falling down
Without words
My heart is broken
Without words
I waited for love
Without words
Love hurts me
I've become transparent
I've became a fool
and I cry just looking at the sky
Without words
Separation finds me
Without words
the end comes to me
I think my heart is startled
Because it came without words
Without words it came
Without words its leaving
Like a fever I've had
Maybe all I have to do is hurt for a while
Because the only thing that remains are scars

I have to recover myself...
I have to be ready
for the new beginning in my life...
And I believe there is HIKMAH behind everything
The Hikmah will be in different forms for different people
In whatever form it may be, HIKMAH will present itself in time, insya Allah.

Semoga Allah memberkati, melimpahkan berkat dan menghimpunkan kedua kami di dalam kebaikkan.
Di bulan syawal yang mulia, maaf dipinta atas segala kekhilafan diri ini..
InsyaAllah, semoga Allah permudahkan hati untuk meredhakannya...InsyaAllah..

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My duas are with you my sister

Everyone at some point faces difficulties in their live.

And for my beloved sister,
I feel a little guilty when I see you're having a problems and I'm still feeling fine.
My heart goes out to you but I know that I will probably get to the point where I'm on the downhill slide.
If I were in your shoes, I also doing the same like you.
Perfecting my obligatory and invest in my voluntary good deeds to Allah.
May Allah bring the ease to us... InsyaAllah...

And For Myself,

I need to console myself
Because Allah knows better than we do

If He deprives us of something,there is Divine Wisdom behind it.
If He gives us something, it may be a blessing or perhaps a test.

Ya Rabb,
I implore you equip me with the faith and patience to deal with it.
I implore you to make me grateful to You for all the blessings You have given me and for all difficulties You have saved me from.
I implore You to forgive me for my wrong deeds that may have resulted in my current trial..
And I implore You to make me into the Muslim that you will be pleased with on the Day of Judgement.

Ya Allah,
I hope for your mercy, 
I hope Allah guides me, 
Makes me stronger and wiser when this is all over..

Thank you Allah for your blessing in my life.
Please give me the strength and patience to face daily challenges with abundant love rather than anger and frustration.

Just a bad writer,

Monday, August 6, 2012

Seeking Blessing : Wish me luck!

Dear readers,
Wish me luck on this tuesday. I get the 'oppurtunity' again...but i'm afraid what it might question me. I've be feeling good on my 1st stages but what it would be on the next??

I've been wondering if I would do the best again like before...huhu....
I wonder if i would get the very tough technical question and i couldn't answer it..OMG..
I've spent my time to recap on the technical in the last two days.
I hope the experience would help me on this. They told me this is a tough stages.
I need to give high confidence level in it.
This is what my fiance told me, Alhamdulillah, he always be on my side.
My forever supporter ever, Insyaallah...

Today is my challenges,
Its beyond my comprehension to those have been praying for me.
My family, my future hubby, friends and even people I barely know.
I know this had helped tremendously.
If you are one of those, please keep the prayers coming.

Everyday is a blessing.
Ya Allah, You are the greatest one and i'm seeking for your blessing.
I bow in sajda to you Ya Allah, please guide me to what is the best for me..

Thanks for listening to my gobbly gook, readers.
Best wishes to all who struggling for tomorrow..

Bad writers,

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Shift Gears~

A long journey to go...and the past was giving a lesson to myself.

Shifts Gears..
Sometimes i felt offended, laying down to earth..
I keep motivating myself, then find out what can make my mind shift gears.
I'm deciding to have a book for reading to fulfill my time...
When I'm reading a book, my minds shift gears.
Where I might have a had a stressful day, a book can help distract me.
Reading an awesome book is perfect right before bed time.
Though sometimes it's hard to put the book down if it's really good..
Then, end up i was late in the morning...haha..

Not only by the book...
If i have time for internet surfing, i will keep myself busy by creating and improving myself..
I've found that no matter what I read, the act of reading every day has helped me in nearly in every aspect of my life.

Can a knowledgeable contributing to maturity?

Knowledgeable Vs Maturity 

Knowledgeable doesn't mean your are matured enough.
For me, everyone can give a different spectrum of ideas..
But we need to wisely think what suite the best for us..

To be continue~

Just the ideas,
Bad Writer

Muhasabah Diri Ya Ramadhan~

Seorang nelayan yang soleh, Abu Jaafar Mansur, telah berjaya menangkap seekor ikan tetapi seorang pengawal kerajaan telah merampas ikan itu dari tangannya dan memukulinya. Maka berkatalah Abu Jaafar, "Ya Tuhanku, Engkau menciptakan aku dalam keadaan lemah dan Engkau mencipta dia dalam keadaan gagah perkasa, sehingga dia dapat menganiaya aku. Kuasakanlah dia pada satu makhluk dan jadikanlah dia sebagai pelajaran bagi semua kaum muslimin."

Setelah pengawal kerajaan itu tiba di rumahnya, dia mengoreng ikan itu. Ketika dia meletakkan ikan itu di atas hidangan, duri ikan itu tiba-tiba menyengatnya dengan izin Allah SWT tangan yang tertusuk duri ikan itu bertambah parah dan ulat memakan tangannya. Dia tidak tahan lagi dan terpaksa tanga itu harus dipotong tetapi ulat itu malah menjalar ke lengannya dan terpaksa dipotongnya pula. Kemudian dia tidur dan bermimpi seseorang mengatakannya kepadanya, "Kembalikan hak itu kepada pemiliknya, agar engkau selamat dari penyakit ini."

Setelah dia terbangun, barulah dia menyedari mengenai ikan yang dirampas dari Abu Jaafar. Maka datanglah dia menjumpai Abu Jaafar dan memberinya sepuluh dirham dan meminta halal kepadanya. Ketika Abu Jaafar menghalalkannya, maka berjatuhanlah ulat itu dari tangannya yang terluka dan kembalilah tangan itu sembuh seprti sediakala dengan kekuasaan dan izin Allah Taala.

Banyak pengajaran yang kita peroleh daripada kisah di atas, di antaranya ialah jangan merasa diri kita besar atau bangga diri serta boleh mengambil kesempatan ke atas diri orang yang lemah. Kebanyakan orang zaman sekarang suka mengambil kesempatan di atas kelemahan orang lain disebabkan akan kuasa yang mereka miliki. Selain itu janganlah kita menzalimi orang yang lemah kerana perbuatan itu ibarat menzalimi diri kita sendiri. Hal ini kerana setiap perbuatan yang zalim itu mendatangkan dosa....

Sabda Nabi S.A.W

“Barangsiapa merampas hak seorang muslim dengan sumpahnya, maka Allah mewajibkan dia masuk neraka dan mengharamkan baginya surga,” maka salah seorang bertanya,”Meskipun sedikit, wahai Rasulullah?” Rasulullah menjawab,”Ya, meskipun hanya setangkai kayu sugi (siwak).”[HR Muslim]

Source From :Halaqah.net
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